Been around since the old subreddit, always loved this community's humor and the relentless dunking. In fact I credit the aggressive posting with radicalizing me (I remember randomly clicking a thread from CTH and seeing people confidently saying communism will win, lambasting libs for not having anything close to a rational method for analysis, etc, and thinking that much confidence cannot be unearned so I got reading more). Ideologically I don't really label myself beyond socialist. I guess I lean more toward the ML side of things because I've read more Marxist theory than anything else, but I think Anarchists have a lot of great ideas too.

I'm a fairly young guy, about to graduate college. I'm not from the US but live somewhere that culturally may as well be the US sadly. I love thinking of plans for software, coding it for 3 days, and then deciding to play minecraft instead. Other than that I like a lot of games, I'm one of Hexbear's Path of Exile players which is itself a full time commitment. I've dipped my toes in 3d modelling and rendering, think it's pretty cool but it gets stressful quick. Same for music production, but that's extra hopeless because music has rules and theory behind it data-laughing.

  • silent_water [she/her]
    1 year ago

    someone called liberals absorbomorphs the other day and I have to say it's a very good description. fascists are also absurdly confident of their views and I think this is what leads to liberalism's ineffectiveness at responding to fascism. just had a laugh at this line in view of that.