All the books and movies about bad stuff all in one! Not really sure where The Matrix fits, is the heritage foundation gonna turn us into computer programs?
All the books and movies about bad stuff all in one! Not really sure where The Matrix fits, is the heritage foundation gonna turn us into computer programs?
Ha, funny coincidence, I came across a similar image earlier on the blog of some Bri'ish dude who managed to get himself involuntarily committed for psych evaluation (three times) after trying to warn European officials, via embassy channels, of
Gaslighting Gilligan is the book he wrote to warn us of what Brexit was really about.
I think gaslighting Gilligan is what the Skipper did in that one episode of the TV show.
I thought it was when Tom Hanks convinced the volley ball it was alive.
Just found another Gillie post open in a browser tab. This dude rocks