French Foreign Minister Barrot urges Western allies to maintain support for Ukraine without constraints, emphasizing military aid as vital for European security.
like you said, as soon as Russia retaliates on any NATO country and the US cuts and runs, the bluster will crumble and they'll be hyperventilating into a paper bag asking "how could this happen??!?!?!"
they really are
like you said, as soon as Russia retaliates on any NATO country and the US cuts and runs, the bluster will crumble and they'll be hyperventilating into a paper bag asking "how could this happen??!?!?!"
fun times ahead
hopefully not too fun, I daresay...
On the bright side: If it gets too fun, we all are gonna have a meetup with Marx.
mojitos w/ Fidel 😳
This reminds me of s scene from Fridays
Movie nights wie Mao and Stalin. Finally getting a taste of uncle Ho's cooking.
Post WW1 certainly was a time of great political upheaval in Europe, seems like we might get an electric boogaloo moment at the rate things are going.