I feel this is a representation of 2 sides of one coin or rather that thees two have similar objective but go about trying to reach it in their own very different ways, one is violent and the other is peaceful all tough they might not necessarily agree with one or the other’s way of reaching the end goal, they agree on the goal with is saving earth and the environment.

    • Zastyion345@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      I don't see environmentalism as a political issue/political but if you want to see politics in anything hey, if there is will there is a way

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          10 months ago

          Actual memes are often political because almost nothing is fully nonpolitical.

          If you think it's nonpolitical that just means you are fine with the politics to the point that you don't notice them.

          The act of you deciding what you think is "political" is itself a political act between what you're comfortable with and what you're uncomfortable with.

          Stop whining and stfu.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Pretty much nothing that can be imagined is fully nonpolitical. If you think it is, it just means it has politics that you're comfortable with that you don't notice.

  • hackris@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    I support ecovandalism but not on property that belongs to average humans trying to live their life. Yeah I own an ancient car with a combustion engine, but please don't destroy it, because I don't have money for a more efficient one and other that it, I try to do everything as ecologically as possible.

    I use public transport when possible (even in my village in the middle of nowhere), I separate waste, save energy by not using proprietary software that's inefficient, everything I buy is second-hand, just a few things off the top of my head. I had two windows and the windshield destroyed over the span of a few months, with all-caps text sprayed on the doors saying "I destroy the planet"... Please don't do this, don't be a scumbag. There are plenty of us doing their best in our financial situation :)