Hello! I'm looking for a foss navigator app for my android device, but all navigator apps I've tried (OSMand, organic map) are missing a feature: when I calculate the route from point A to point B, on Google Maps a few possible routes are displayed, and then I chose the one I prefer; on other apps only one possible route is displayed, and if for any motivation I don't want to pass from a certain street or something like this, I have no other options. Is there an app (or a way on these apps) to make it calculate a few possible routes instead of just one?

thanks in advance!

  • pH3ra@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    Unfortunately, there isn't any FOSS project that specifically does that.
    If you want to stick with FOSS you have to settle with OsmAnd or Organic Maps and force specific routes with waypoints.
    If you want the possibility to choose between more than one route right after searching, a good OSM-based navigator is Magic Earth, it has nice features (like crowd-sourced traffic indications) and while not FOSS it has a good privacy policy compared to other apps.