Shitty Google translation:
Shah-Shah-Shah! Shah-Shah-Shah! He was a Shah, was a Shah, was a Shah, C'était un Shah, tait un Shah, tait un Shah,
A Pasha full of money, Persian Shah so powerful Un Pacha plein d'argent, Shah Persan si puissant
That in his, that in his, that in his, his harem Que dans son, que dans son, que dans son, son harem
All the women told him Shah Shah Shah how much we love you! Toutes les femmes lui disaient Shah Shah Shah comme on t'aime!
But despite his mi-mi, his mi-mi, his billions, Mais malgré ses mi-mi, ses mi-mi, ses milliards,
The Pasha, Shah Shah Shah, was in a bad mood, Le Pacha, Shah Shah Shah, avait bien le cafard,
He was saturated with pe-pe, pe-pe, petoleum ... Des pé-pé, des pé-pé, des pétroles il était saturé... Because his dream ... Car son rêve...
It was to see the grass growing ... C'était d'voir pousser l'gazon...
In front of his pa-pa ... Devant son pa-pa...
His palace in all seasons ... Son palais en toutes saisons... But every time he digs, digs holes Mais chaque fois qu'il creu-creu, qu'il creusait des trou-trous
For hole-hole, for hole-hole-la-itou, to find Pour trou-trou, pour trou-trou-la-itou, pour trouver
A fi-fi, a fi-fi trickle of water, pe-pe petroleum Un fi-fi, un fi-fi filet d'eau, du pé-pé du pétrole
Gushed forth immediately. Jaillissait aussitôt.
And the pennies, the pennies, the dowsers, Et les sou, les sou-sou, les sourciers,
The wizards all wanted demi-mi, demi-mi, ssion, Les sorciers voulaient tous démi-mi, démi-mi, ssionner,
And the pa, the pa-pa, the Pasha Shah Shah Shah was languishing ... Et le pa, le pa-pa, le Pacha Shah Shah Shah languissait... Because his dream ... Car son rêve...
It was to see the grass growing ... C'était d'voir pousser l'gazon...
In front of his pa-pa ... Devant son pa-pa...
His palace in all seasons ... Son palais en toutes saisons... A nearby river of clear water was signaled, On signala à deux pas une rivière d'eau claire,
The Pasha ran there immediately, but returned very disappointed, Le Pacha y couru sur le champ, mais revint fort déçu,
Having seen only a river of diamonds ... N'ayant vu qu'une rivière de diamants...
With a roll of the dice he played zan-zan, zan-zi, English D'un coup de dés il joua aux zan-zan, aux zan-zi, aux anglais
His pe-pe, his mi-mi, his pa-pa, his sou-sou Ses pé-pé, ses mi-mi, son pa-pa, ses sou-sou
That he sinned that he lost instantly ... Qu'il pé-pé qu'il perdit sur le coup... Because his dream ... Car son rêve...
It was to see the grass growing ... C'était d'voir pousser l'gazon...
In front of his pa-pa ... Devant son pa-pa...
His palace in all seasons ... Son palais en toutes saisons... So all stupid, all con-con, all in all, Alors tout con, tout con-con, tout compte fait,
He settled with us, because with us for what is Il s'installa chez nous, car chez nous pour ce qui est
From the turf ga-ga we'd rather be spoiled too much Du ga-ga du gazon on s'rait plutôt ga-ga trop gâté
Was a Shah, was a Shah, a Pasha, a Pasha Shah Shah Shah, Tait un Shah, tait un Shah, un Pacha, un Pacha Shah Shah Shah,
Shah Persian so powerful who digs, who dug holes, Shah Persan si puissant qui creu-creu, qui creusait des trou-trous,
Holes-holes to find a fi-fi, a fi-fi, a net, a trickle of water, Des trous-trous pour trouver un fi-fi, un fi-fi, un filet, filet d'eau,
For the ag-ga, for the ag-ga, for the grass, in front of our, in front of our, our pa-pa, Pour l'ga-ga, pour l'ga-ga, pour l'gazon, devans nos, devant nos, nos pa-pa,
Our palaces in all seasons Nos palais en toutes saisons