I totally forgor to post this yesterday. I hope all my fellow Americans had a good Thanksgiving holiday weekend. I watched plenty of football and played some Binding of Isaac and Command and Conquer on the side. Have a good week everyone
I totally forgor to post this yesterday. I hope all my fellow Americans had a good Thanksgiving holiday weekend. I watched plenty of football and played some Binding of Isaac and Command and Conquer on the side. Have a good week everyone
Spent a good chunk of Thanksgiving week beating the original 1994 XCOM again. It's amazing how well that game's held up over so many years.
My only problem with xcom is it doesn't show what you rolled. If there were onscreen dice it would be so satisfying. At least the illusion of chance lol. I mean, you're right in front of a guy with a shotgun and somehow it's a miss? What was the roll?
The quintessential XCOM experience