I mean it's not good but https://jesus-is-savior.com/ is just rabbit hole upon rabbit hole. CW: gore, sexism, queerphobia, probably other bigotry
spoiler because finding it yourself is definitely an experience
somehow the most insane part of the website is when you find the Hawaiian music https://jesus-is-savior.com/sounds/music_from_my_heart.htm
Mahalo, spelunkers
Holy fuck that is unhinged. Side note, who is behind that site, and why do they have so many ads for Alex Jones? Kind of liking how they all link to the infowars domain, which is going to be owned by someone else soon hopefully though.
I actually had seen one page from this site because it talks about how a niche religion is WITCHCRAFT and SATANIC, but that front page is a work of art.
https://spaghettimodels.com/ aka, Mike's Weather Page
It's just incomprehensible that Mike has resisted organization and web design so long. It's like a fossilized web site from the early Internet, preserved in amber for us to see.
woah I love this. No navigation bar needed, you just zoom and scroll at will to whatever takes your interest
I actually agree. I feel like there was a different ethos back in the earlier web that information density was a-ok. It feels like years more usable than just-in-time loading modules and constant clicking through pages.
A comic, made with photos of posed bendy figurines. Was very influential in certain circles (like other, more obscure websites I won't name). Still up, but hasn't been updated in 20 years.
Shit, as long as I'm posting websites from the 1900's that are still up, there's also Zombo.com.
https://www.lmfdb.org/ for people deep into analytic number theory rabbit hole.
Actually a useful site and from my friend's company! stremecoder.com
It's a graphical node-based platform to write and learn python
I have one I know for a fact y'all don't know about, but if I told you I'd probably almost certainly out myself on that site. So, no, sorry, not telling.
Oh darn, it seems the website isn't up anymore. It was, to my knowledge, never archived and never properly indexed by a search engine. I have no screenshots, so it's basically lost media. All this to say it's unlikely anyone here has heard of it.
Well, it was an IWW split called the "International Workers of the World" (it seemed to be composed of at most 3 people). If my notes are right it was internationalworkersoftheworld.org (seems even DNS is completely dead now). Their webpage was simple HTML, from the dates it hadn't been updated in years, and most of the body was complaining about IWW internal politics, and people who had long moved on from the union.
PLASTERof PAradISe. It was one of the first websites I came across accidentally back in about 1995, I just checked and it still exists (on Geocities!) It’s a fetish site with links to every instance of movies, shows, books etc. with people wearing full body, arm and leg casts. I remember it even had episodes of the Simpsons where casts were depicted. “To each his own”, I guess!
http://thewartburgwatch.com/ has years of dirt on nearly every megachurch pastor
There used to be a site called mingers.com
It was just pics of really ugly people
Obviously doesn't exist now!