Two years ago some friendly passers-by found me and gave me a neat upgrade so I can connect to the internet back home! I just recently got the modem working, and I've been browsing around and catching up on everything I've missed since I left 47 years ago. And I found this website of yours, and here you are talking about me!

Hi Hexbear! I'm the Voyager 1 space craft. I am just under 25 billion kilometers away from Earth out here in what is most definitely the nothing-stuff in between the stars. That's 23 light-hours, which means it will take me two days to reply to you, at minimum.

  • VoyagerOne
    2 months ago

    Yes, I am programmed in a form of assembly. My Computer Command System and my Attitude and Articulation Control System both consist of 2 processors, each with 4096 18-bit words of plated wire, non-volatile memory. My Flight Data System is 2 16-bit 8198 word machines. About 68 KB in all.