In light of recent events, the demcon project Rojava will be tested. What will they do now? Will AANES seek independence?
Trump has said the US shouldn't be involved in Syria, will he recall the remaining few thousand US troops from Syria? Or will the neocons convince Trump he can engage in "good" nation-building and create Kurdistan from AANES and northern Iraq? Would SDF go for such a plan since their stated goal is not a Kurdish state, but a multicultural state organised along the lines of democratic confederalism?
Why does China deserve critical support but Rojava doesn't?
China isn’t being funded and supplied by US forces to guard their assets.
Are you denying that Rojava are being used as pawns by the US?
Neither is the SDF.
That's a very vague statement, virtually meaningless. "being used" - to what degree, to what effect? "pawns" - that implies that Kurds don't have any agency, kinda racist ngl.