is the main worldbuilding forum on the internet, or one of them. It's always near the top of my search results for worldbuilding.
The hive-mind there is totally content with telepathic dragons, but if you suggest that an Bronze Age economy might not have run on Thatcherite principles, they'll say that's "too unrealistic".
- It is human nature to work for rewards, and praise, and respect, and to live better than average. But communism, if strictly enforced, demands everyone live the average life. – No it doesn't mate, read theory. Communism isn't where everybody lives in the same type of house, eats the same food, wears the same clothes. Communism is collectively manage means-of-production.
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Part of worldbuilding is building different economies. There have been non-monetary economies (hundreds of them, or thousands, thoughout history), there have been gift-economies, Palace economies... but people still want 'worldbuilding' to only be market-based.
People think a feudal economy involves peasants purchasing shit with gold coins at some marketplace. It quickly falls apart when you realize most peasants don't have anything to sell outside of farming equipment, livestock, and crops and mostly lack the means of putting their commodities on the marketplace for sell. Plus, who are the consumers? Who the fuck is going to trek to some distant village with only dirt roads to buy a shitty plow?