here are some info for you gringos

before the revolution México was ruled by a liberal Dictator Called Porfirio Diaz, he ruled México for 30 year through fake elections and jailing opposition, that was until Francisco I Madero ran on the Anti-Re-Electionist Party and attack Diaz on his dictatorial accions like his jailing of enemies, the massacre of the Mayas in yucatan and the Cananea mine incident

Madero gets thrown in jail and loses the election, then he flees to Texas and he declared the election null and void in his “Plan of San Luís Potosí” and called for armed revolution. November 20 was set for the revolution to begin.

important thing to remenber is that many people hated Diaz for many diferent reasons, In the state of Morelos, Emiliano Zapata raised an army of peasants and harassed wealthy landowners who liked Diaz. In the state of Chihuahua, Pascual Orozco and Casulo Herrera raised sizable armies, one of Herrera's captains was Pancho Villa.

so Diaz fall and gets exile to france so everything its fine right? wrong One of Madero's allies Victoriano Huerta wants Power, and Madero's gives him power to deal with Zapata in Morelos who has refuse to disarmed his militia until he sees reforms, Madero calls back Huerta because he doesnt want to escalate the conflict with Zapata.

in Mexico City Huerta was conspiring with American ambassador Henry Lane Wilson to remove Madero, Madero's accepts Huertas help with an army entering the capital, and the decena tragica happens, Madero gets arrested by Huerta and Executed, Huerta takes control of the goverment and decares himself President.

3 main armies led the battle against the Huerta Regime

Constitucionalistas this was the army lead by Venustiano Carranza , he was the governor of the state of Coahuila, an supporter of Madero, he rebels the moment Huerta takes power, He drafted a Constitution that he named the Plan of Guadalupe and took to the field with a growing army. Carranza's small force largely sat out the early part of the revolt against Huerta. He formed an uneasy alliance with Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, and Alvaro Obregón. they turned on one another when their combined forces deposed him in 1914. Carranza would fill the power vacuum and become head ofthe new goverment he would Potrait Villa as a sociapathic Bandit to the press and was recognize as Leader of Mexico be the USA, in 1917 he became President and would bring little change to the country, he would be assasinated by Rodolfo Herrera a local chieftain in Veracruz, who would be absolve by Obregon because noone liked Carranza then

Villistas they were Lead by Francisco "Pancho" Villa who was a Mexican revolutionary leader who advocated for the poor and land reform. Diaz would left the army lead by Orozco after Madero's takeover and would help Madero and Huerta during the rebellion of Orozco after he was angered by being left out of what he considered his rightful place in the new government.

He would take arms again after Huerta's coup and would achieve victory in 1914, after that the civil war would continue between Villa and Carranza with Villa raiding southern USA for resourses, Villa and the Goverment of mexico would reach Peace in 1920 after the Assasination of Carranza, Adolfo De la Huerta the then interim presideny, he woud give Diaz a Hacienda in chihuahua so he could live his retirement, which was short lived as in 1923 he would be gun down on his car.

Zapatistas everyones favorite agrarian Emiliano Zapata was a village leader, farmer, and horseman who became an important leader in the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920). He was instrumental in bringing down the corrupt dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz in 1911 and joined forces with other revolutionary generals to defeat Victoriano Huerta in 1914. Zapata commanded an imposing army but rarely sallied forth, preferring to stay on his home turf of Morelos. Zapata was idealistic, and his insistence on land reform became one of the pillars of the Revolution. With Huerta gone, the Big Four almost immediately began fighting among themselves. Villa and Carranza, who despised one another, nearly began shooting before Huerta was even removed. Obregón, who considered Villa a loose cannon, reluctantly backed Carranza, who named himself the provisional president of Mexico. Zapata didn’t like Carranza, so he sided with Villa (to an extent). He mainly stayed on the sidelines of the Villa/Carranza conflict, attacking anyone who came onto his turf in the south but rarely sallying forth. Obregón defeated Villa over the course of 1915, allowing Carranza to turn his attention to Zapata.

In early 1916, Carranza sent Pablo González, his most ruthless general, to track down and stamp out Zapata once and for all. González employed a no-tolerance, scorched-earth policy. He destroyed villages, executing all those he suspected of supporting Zapata. Although Zapata was able to drive the federales out for a while in 1917-1918, they returned to continue the fight. Carranza soon told González to finish Zapata by any means necessary. On April 10, 1919, Zapata was double-crossed, ambushed, and killed by Colonel Jesús Guajardo, one of González’ officers who had pretended to want to switch sides.

the Mexican Revolution would end with the deaths of 2.7 million Mexicans, Albaro Obregon would become the president of Mexico in dicember of 1920 he would be Assasinated by a catholic, after supporting the next President Plutarco Elias Calles, he would rule in the shadows after his presidency through the Partido Nacional Revolucionario (they would become the PRI) an that Era would be called the Maximato but thats for another time.

Villa and Zapata would become Folk heroes and be remember as Patriots of Mexico while Carranza and Obregon would be forgoten, Zapatas Land reform would pass with President Lazaro Cardenas ending most the influence of the Landlord class in mexican politics

Also Admins Give EvilCorgi his map community, i made a big post just for a map, thank thats all, have a good day

  • RNAi [he/him]M
    4 years ago

    The Mexican Revolution would end with the deaths of 2.7 million Mexican

    Eeh? Cómo?

    Genial el mapa y la explicación.

    • thelasthoxhaist [he/him]
      4 years ago

      el estimado es entre 1.7 a 2.7 milliones, la mayoria de las muertes es por el deplazamento de la poblacien en el centro y norte del pais, no hubo mucho conflicto en el sur del pais

      • RNAi [he/him]M
        4 years ago

        Guau, no había oído de semejante catástrofe. Tremendo, más en esa época.