• harc@szmer.info
    1 month ago

    Just after Kremlin stops funding nazis in my country, and most of Europe. Russia can stop the war anytime, it just needs to go back to it's borders, how hard can that be? Cuz if it's meant to stop a possible war with NATO that's clearly not going according to plan and at they are still mostly fighting NATO tech from the 80's operated by silly Ukrainians who had a few months of NATO training?

    The more entangled your nation gets in Ukraine, the more likely war will spread to you

    See, this type of russian propaganda fear-mongering doesent work on Polish people, because one - we have lived under Russian occupation or threat of invasion for the last 200 years, and two - we know that unless it stops in Ukraine the war will come to us soon after. Oh and three; dying heroically is the basis of national ethos here, if you took a few minutes to skim the history of the region about every generation Poles would have a suicidal uprising against the occupiers, well knowing it will fail.
    Also in about a year Poland itself, without the rest of NATO, will have more main battle tanks and rocket artillery than Russia. There was a time when we were afraid as a society, but Ukraine clearly showed we can challenge Russian imperialism and increasingly likely - win.

    tl;dr come at us bro

    • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]
      1 month ago

      you've chosen your side, with the Banderites, Israelis, Al-Qaeda and American fascists. Have fun class traitor.

      • harc@szmer.info
        1 month ago

        Have fun class traitor.

        Funny thing I'm literally chilling after running trainings for trade unions for the last few days. I work for trade unions full time, while (separately) being a member of the most radical one in the country. You at least have a union card, or you only commie on the net?

        • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]
          1 month ago

          Trade unionists who support Nationalism and Imperialism are class traitors. Thanks for further cementing what you are. Banderites are anti-communists who burned trade unionist halls down and slaughtered the trade unionists. You side with your enemies because, as I said, you are a traitor and deeply confused or reactionary.

          • harc@szmer.info
            1 month ago

            Trade unionists who support Nationalism and Imperialism are class traitors

            Yeah, I'd agree with that, absolutely. See, that's the fun part here; you're mostly arguing with a straw-man in your head, and not with someone who committed his life to class struggle but holds slightly different beliefs/optics than you do.

            But also - so yeah, you're not even in a union, miserable keyboard warrior :D

            • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]
              1 month ago

              when those different beliefs are "we should give weaponry to banderites to ethnically cleanse russians" then you've gone off the deep end and are fully a fascist. There's no coming back from it.

              • harc@szmer.info
                1 month ago

                And where did I state that? Or going deeper into your delusions; if I'm a Polish nationalist, why would I want to arm banderites, of all people? They brutally butchered 50-120k Polish people; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres_of_Poles_in_Volhynia_and_Eastern_Galicia And how would one go ethnically cleansing 140 million Russians, especially using a comparably tiny, half-failed state of Ukraine, which for the most part is only operating inside of it's own borders? Do you really make any sens to yourself?

                • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]
                  1 month ago

                  if I'm a Polish nationalist, why would I want to arm banderites, of all people?

                  A great question for all of your Polish nationalist friends and government, who all support the banderites.

                  Turns out your hatred for Russia supersedes your own self interests, so it goes with nationalism

                  • harc@szmer.info
                    1 month ago

                    Or maybe it's not say 60 million Slavs who are wrong, and you might be? Just a thought experiment -would we consider we might, you know - living here, better understand our self-interest than you do? Ever crossed your mind?

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      1 month ago

      Just after Kremlin stops funding nazis in my country

      I would've thought you would appreciate the Nazis since back in '41 they brought you the liberation from Russia you so sorely desire

      • harc@szmer.info
        1 month ago

        You did notice it is a critique of it at the same time? Simply trying to explain that it's hard to scare with war citizens of a country which public education teaches it's kids songs glorifying child soldiers. We even got some monuments if that was not clear enough for the youngsters...



        BTW Russia does the same, and at least we don't have to play assembling AK's in primary school. That's for high-school as it should be.