because holy shit i love that game

  • PrincessMagnificent [they/them, any]
    4 years ago

    Selmers is best girl.

    No reception here
    I wave my black phone
    In the air like a flare
    like a prayer
    but no reception
    I read on the Internet baby face boy billionaire
    Phone app sold made more money in one day than my family over 100 generations
    More than my whole world ever has
    World where house-buying jobs became rent-paying jobs became living with family jobs
    Boy billionaires
    Money is access access to politicians waiting for us to die lead in our water alcohol and painkillers
    Replace my job with an app replace my dreams of a house and a yard
    With a couch in the basement
    "The future is yours!"
    Forced 24-7 entrepreneurs.
    I just want a paycheck and my own life
    I'm on the couch in the basement they're in the house and the yard
    Some night I will catch a bus out to the west coast
    And burn their silicon city to the ground
  • JimmyTMalice [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Pretty cool. I like the story and the characters; not too hot on the gameplay, especially the boring dream sequences where you have to wander around a huge map looking for the four musicians. That overstayed its welcome after the first one.

  • FeetInspector [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I played it with my S/O a while ago, I liked it but I prefer games with better gameplay over story, also the whole teenagers are wild and fucking stab each other and break shit with baseball bats thing really isn't my vibe

  • RedCoat [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Backed it on kickstarter but still haven't gotten around to it, I play a lot of indie games but keep buying ones in sale so the backlog only seems to increase. Should I kick it into the next play spot?

    • Enzo [he/him,use name]
      4 years ago

      i mean it might not be for everyone but if you think youd enjoy it id recommend you give it a try