• pH3ra@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    There's chance none of them were alive when the plane took off.
    The cool thing about plane crashes is that they make autopsies reeaally superficial.

    • sunbeam60@lemmy.one
      10 months ago

      Ah, right, the plane took off on its own, did it? Remind me again of the avionics in an Embraer? I didn't realise they had introduced communication with ATC, navigating the airport etc. completely automatically.

      • pH3ra@lemmy.ml
        10 months ago

        Dude I'm really not trying to build a conspiracy theory, all I'm saying is that it doesn't need a Machiavellian genius to put 10 corpses on a plane, fly it at altitude and jump off with a parachute before it crashes in the forest. It's like "Action movie 101".

        • sunbeam60@lemmy.one
          10 months ago

          But the plane was flying at cruise speed and there’s only two exits on the Legacy 600 - left side passenger door or over the wings. Either of of those gets a pilot sucked straight into an engine. A few people have parachuted off a passenger plane, but only through emergency exits behind the wings (with wing mounted engines) or the tail staircase.

          • pH3ra@lemmy.ml
            10 months ago

            You obviously know about planes more than me.
            Still I agree with @RonJonGuaido that Prigozhin had no logic reason to be on a flight in Russian territory (other than being someway forced to do that)

            • sunbeam60@lemmy.one
              10 months ago

              What’s odd is that it looks like the plane was leaving Moscow, not arriving.

              He may simply have felt safe, for reasons we don’t understand.

              • pH3ra@lemmy.ml
                10 months ago

                Yet the plane was on its way to st. Petersburg according to the article... That's a hell of a detour for a man that was supposed to be in Africa

        • sunbeam60@lemmy.one
          10 months ago

          Also adding a quick comment to apologise for my snide comment in the beginning. I think I hadn’t gotten my morning coffee yes - an explanation but no excuse. Sorry.

          • pH3ra@lemmy.ml
            10 months ago

            No worries man, I also tend to get pissed at people that form their opinion without doing research first, so no hard feelings ❤

    • AlexisFR@jlai.lu
      10 months ago

      Why would you bother? Just hide a bomb in the landing gear bay when servicing the plane just before taxi.

      • pH3ra@lemmy.ml
        10 months ago

        Yeah, but that doesn't answer the question "what was he doing in a land where they want him dead?"