Every week, I'll be making a pinned post inviting you to share your favorite books with the slop-hungry hogs of Hexbear . Each week will be loosely structured around a particular genre, time period or other theme .
For the opening week's theme: Books you have read at least three times
Optional nerd discussion questions
What keeps or kept you coming back to them? How did your relationship to the text change across multiple readings?
If you have suggestions for future themes, DM me!
If you want to be pinged when I post the thread in the future, respond to this comment in the thread
C. D. Payne - Youth in Revolt. This was made into a pretty mediocre Michael Cera vehicle some years ago, but the book is one of the most compulsively readable novels I've ever encountered. A cult classic. An alternately disgusting, funny, and sharply observed coming of age story
David Eddings - The Belgariad series. I don't think this one would hold up, and Eddings turned out to be a terrible person, but I was obsessed with these books when I was a tween. So many memories of reading these in the back seat of my parents car on road trips. I probably read the whole series (and the sequel series is, and the other books) like five times each. I wanted to live in the world and hang out with the characters, all bickering and joking with each other as they try to save the world
Nella Larsen - Passing. One of the gayest novels ever written while not explicitly gay at all. I taught this for years, and the more I read it the more I loved it and the richer its meanings became. This one has so much to say about race in America, gender, and class. The author died totally forgotten and I'm glad her small body of work didn't die with her. They made a Netflix movie out this, but it's not nearly gay enough. Dead serious about this.
Youth in Revolt is amazing. I’ve read it way way way too many times.
Hell yes
I read a lot of David eddings work from like 9-13. Ive got similar memories as yours. I never revisited any of them as an adult and am kinda curious if they hold up as decent fantasy or not