Every week, I'll be making a pinned post inviting you to share your favorite books with the slop-hungry hogs of Hexbear . Each week will be loosely structured around a particular genre, time period or other theme .
For the opening week's theme: Books you have read at least three times
Optional nerd discussion questions
What keeps or kept you coming back to them? How did your relationship to the text change across multiple readings?
If you have suggestions for future themes, DM me!
If you want to be pinged when I post the thread in the future, respond to this comment in the thread
Cradle by Will Wight is the king of endlessly re-read-able series, IMO. A young man in a world of magical martial arts sets out on a quest to save his home from foretold destruction, and overcome an initial disability to become one of the strongest people in the world (necessary to save his home when the time comes).
Hard to explain what's so incredibly compelling about this series, but if you like fantasy (particularly progression fantasy or cultivation stories aka xianxia) I urge you to give it a try; I highly doubt you will regret it. More re-read-able than Harry Potter, and without the casual misogyny (in a world of magical martial arts, women are just as capable, and dangerous, as men are) or obnoxious the-awful-status-quo-is-okay bullshit (but explaining this in any more detail would probably involve spoilers, so I won't).
Is it high art? No, it's fairly schlocky, but it's really fun to read, in a way that many other series fail to be, even really good ones like Red Rising or Stormlight. And while it doesn't end all wrapped up neatly in a perfect bow like, say, Mistborn (the trilogy, not the sequel series), it doesn't exactly fail to bring plotlines to satisfying conclusions.