Any ways of hating my wife you recommend for a beginner?
Hate your wife
Grill up some dogs
Have a pint with the m8's
'simple as
Hating your wife is an art. It's not enough to merely hate her. You have to make tiny, micro-aggressive pokes at her self-esteem daily, hourly, for years. With everything you say. "How's the weather?" "Better than my wife's cooking." Shit like that.
I definitely want to find the balance of hating her but never getting a divorce. It's very important in boomer culture to be unhappily married
Divorce is anathema to the boomer. You must endure. Just think of the wife jokes you'd miss out on.
make sure to be annoyed by everything she says esp so if she's given you decades of commitment
She has been very dedicated and only the most committed of wives deserve constant sniping behind their backs
Convince yourself that every tiny thing she does that you find even slightly annoying was done on purpose to bother you.
It makes sense my wife would be out to get me, just like the rest of the universe