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  • Not_irony [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The better markets have it closer to 70:30, which feels about right. Either way, the lame duck period is gonna be a shit show.

    • ShoutyMcSocialism [he/him]
      4 years ago

      That lame duck period is really going to be meme worthy material. Can the President sell the Postal Service off by executive order? 😅

      • Not_irony [he/him]
        4 years ago

        The reason not to vote trump is because he's rude, or whatever. The reason not to vote Biden is a dirty, AOC loving, green new deal signing, radical left commie. They're gonna vote Trump

      • OhWell [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I don't know ANY moderate Republicans who are buying into Biden. The Dems wasted this entire campaign cycle trying to appeal to them, but most of them dislike Biden for one reason - being Obama's VP. Others bring up that he obviously has dementia.

        As for guns, Biden's gun control platform is going to be a fucking nightmare in the case of him actually winning. I live in the deep south and it's talked about a lot here. He basically wants to ban manufacturing and selling of all semi-automatic weapons (in other words - scary black assault rifles) and push for tax fines to any firearms that have a magazine or capacity to hold over 10 rounds (pay fines or have your guns confiscated). If he wins and the Dems are arrogant enough to force this, there is going to some ugly backlash from the right, and probably with red states telling Biden to go fuck himself and refusing to follow through with it.