My last crushpost got a little weird. They usually don’t get much attention, and what little there is I think is usually men. So this thread should be a good opportunity for women and enbies to bring up what you find problematic.
Thanks everyone for responding. I have read all the replies and am giving them serious consideration. I will stop crushposting, I deleted all the posts, and deleted the meat of this post as well. Weird or not, however obfuscated, it’s still an obsession and a privacy concern.
from my megathread contribution:
i maintain you were unfairly dogpiled by a poster or two who seemed to have a preconceived bone to pick with you, using one admitted overshare that the post could have done without as a pretext. the fact that i was reprimanded by a mod for "reading heavily into unsaid things of a stranger's personal life that's being overshared" when you and I have had an online rapport for months while the whole thread opened with someone taunting you about "the crush in a relationship or the one who doesn't like men?" (implying months of following these posts) w/o comment just furthers the bad taste this whole exchange left in my mouth.
what was or wasn't rescinded re: being a creep i can't speak to if that happened in private. i just thought the whole exchange fucking sucked, from what i saw on the public part of this forum. if it were in the interest of good faith self crit it wouldn't have been such a drawn out, mocking affair - more along the lines of "yo comrade, the bit about what we've all agreed is an overshare might make people feel some type of way, and there are some other aspects of this series of posts that have given me pause. maybe lets talk about that" not posting stupid fucking jim carry gifs mocking you while making big, damning assumptions about the situation in question.
whole thing read as bullying to me, if im bein real! not everyone on here is a comrade, barrier to making an account is real, real low, and someone who (IME) seems if anything ultra-sensitive to potential ways boundaries might be disrespected can make for an easy target for someone looking to vent their shit in a cruel way. dunno about anyone's motives, i'm just reading behavior from the outside.
and im enby if that means anything at all. though a subset of it that still benefits from a large amount of cishet privilege if anyone wants to harp on or gatekeep around that.
EDIT: 1-2 days later, hella cringe that i weaponized my own queerness here like that to paper over ways in which im privileged. i was on one yesterday, we all could have handled things better in various ways but i just want to own the ways in which i fucked up in a transparent manner