This is such an under discussed point in general:
And it points out that around five million tax-paying adults resident in Britain do not have the right to vote at present, because they are not citizens. They should be considered for enfranchisement, it said.
I don't think most english people even know about this
Honestly, I think they have to become citizens first. Giving the vote to non-citizens would be a disaster in the current political environment and personally I don't think it's a good idea anyway.
Now, is it worth reviewing the requirements for citizenship? Sure, but enfranchisement of foreign citizens, no.
So even big media are fed up with labour.
Edit: clarity, mainstream news had miniscule coverage of voter turn out. Sp, tusc and other leftist orgs reported on this less than a day after the count so now that we are seeing mainstream coverage of what is now old news is a concerning sign for labour may even been the election comes sooner than expected.