Anyone want to do a monthly what are you reading thread? I saw that there wasn't one pinned so I figured what the hell and abuse my mod powers.
I'm currently reading McFarlane's Spider-Man from 1990. It's even got my favorite spidey villain the lizard.
Someone on here recommended the current run of Poison Ivy, it's extremely good.
Thanks, I'll put that in the list of stuff to read.
I read Irredeemable and Incorruptible by Mark Waid recently. Felt largely the same about both: cool premise, but the execution really takes a nosedive on the last 40% of the book. Apparently Waid had a falling out with the publisher so he rushed to the finish which definitely tracks, as plotlines surface and fall away in an odd manner.
I still think they're worth a read if you're interested in a "Superman but bad" scenario that's not injustice
It’s more of a re-read, but How to Win Friends and Influence People. I’m finding it really hard to get a job and especially as an autistic person, charisma just doesn’t come to me.
So far some of the advice seems antiquated like liberally using someone’s name. I worked as a cashier and I HATED it when customers said my name. Like, we ain’t friends and I can tell you look down on me. But then again, I’m autistic so what the hell do I know about neurotypicals? The other advice that idk about is that it seems to boil down to just buttering people up, a hiring manager practically expects thousands of random “you’re my hero btw is your company hiring” messages from total strangers on the daily.
It’s an old book by Dale Carnegie. It talks about conversing with people and strategies behind it.
Some of it I want to use if I want to turn people away from the alt-right pipeline, like before I remember using some of the tips to turn away a cousin from fascism by convincing him to move left and make it think moving left was his idea. Hence why I describe the advice as flattery.
I told some people I’d read I who have never known men, but I haven’t been able to get past the first few pages because I prefer rotting on hexbear
Picked up John Byrne's Alpha Flight again and I'm almost through with it, enjoying it quite a lot. Nice to see some native american representation in comic books in the form of Shaman and his daughter Talisman.
just continuing the slow Captain Marvel read through with Ms Marvel by Brian Reed, it had a few decent issues in the beginning but then got bogged down by events/crossovers, it also had what looked like some early 2000s war on terror propaganda issues which I skipped, the older Claremont run was more stable but it ended too soon, I'll eventually get to that good Kelly Thompson run someday lol
I'm in kind of a brain dead zone last few weeks so I want to check out something just art/action focused next, no thinking, probably one or all of these:
- Sigil and Mystic from Crossgen comics (early 2000s, sci-fi/action) which Marvel recently reprinted in omnibus format, I think they've been sitting on that Crossgen material for a long time since they bought it, wonder if Disney will eventually push this universe into their tv/movie pipeline when they run out of stuff to use
- Wildc.a.t.s Compendium, for the 90s Jim Lee post-X-Men art and Grifter & Zealot character introduction, Wildstorm comics got integrated into DC eventually and they're making an Authority movie now which is maybe why they're even printing these Wildstorm compendiums lol
- The Amalgam (mid 90s, fusion of DC & Marvel characters) omnibus
Gonna read issue 4 of Bocchi the Rock and then maybe finally read that hardcover Elric comic I picked up years ago.
I have Snapdragon by Kat Leyh and Squire by Nadia Shammas on my list. This is my accountability post so I will come back and comment what i think about them
Picked up DP 7 yesterday and so far I love it! It's actually pretty good story telling for Marvel. I'm fond of limited run story lines that don't have the baggage of legacy titles with hundreds of issues to catch up on to be in the loop.
The story reminds me of the x-men but it's about fugitives instead of a school for gifted mutants and a shadowy organization looking to exploit them.