I can only imagine. Can you image working in construction? No break room. Nowhere to sit for lunch. Eight porta potties for two hundred workers, sitting in the direct sun on a code red day. Dude that cleans them is puking.
When I got higher up, and got access to an entire building, I'd find an empty floor and use those bathrooms. Pure luxury.
I'm in shambles any time I have to shit without a bidet
Americans are disgusting pigs running around with doodoo asses
Yes and I can use it as often as I want without guilt.
That and I can play music and videos with bothering anyone as background noise.
Actually the best benefit is being able to hang around my cat.
And husband, it's nice to see him too I guess.
I hover even in my home because i have to share it with my brothers
For me it's my teenagers. We rarely clean their bathroom, they're supposed to. They rarely clean it either.
I only shit on company time on principle.
Using my own toilet to drop a log just feels wrong.