Nightmare blunt rotation
Nightmare blunt rotation
I was really hoping Luigi would be a comrade, but this is even funnier.
Oh God, terrible childhood memory unlocked.
I was sitting at my desk and doodling while waiting for the next lesson to start and I drew this guy with a dinosaur head, playing a guitar that was also on fire. Shit was so cash.
Suddenly, a classmate grabbed my drawing, held it up and yelled "haahaa look at what big_bob is drawing!" And people would point and laugh.
I was already an outcast for mentioning that I found football boring, but after the drawing incident, people actively avoided me. I changed schools shortly after.
I fucking hate norwegian society.
Iirc, that was basically Putin's plan since the 90s.
After the western powers had strip mined the collapsed USSR for assets, Putin was to hand over the barebone remains of Russia to the west and let Russia become a part of the western world.
Putin applied for Russia to become a NATO member. When he got declined, he literally cried tears on live TV.
He is an enemy of the West by pure circumstance. He is a true believer in the western imperialist project, but he forgot that the West's plan for the Slavic nations is to keep a perpetually impoverished Eastern Europe for cheap labor and natural resources.
Putin always thought that he would eventually sit at the big table, instead of begging for scraps under it.
There is a very narrow range of acceptable expression as a cis dude.
I grew up in the norwegian equivalent of the bible belt. Think, small town, less than 10k inhabitants surrounded by endless farmland.
There were only two socially acceptable ways to be a guy. You could be a Car Guy, or you could be a Sports Guy.
Anything else, and you'd automatically be labelled as a [homophobic slur] and become an outcast.
Being a book loving, neurodivergent weeaboo was beyond the pale, so I spent my entire youth as an outcast.
Though life didn't seem better for the other guys trying to squeeze into the only two available moulds you could fit into.
I remember one guy was so neurotically competitive that he absolutely HAD to be the first or number 1 in everything, or else he'd have a mental breakdown.
Even during warmup in PE, he had to be FIRST, when running from one end of the field to the other, and he'd be so exhausted that spittle would fly from his mouth just from having to be the first in everything sports related, no matter how insignificant.
It's no wonder Norwegians are so socially broken. There are so many ways to be a dude, but the only acceptable ways to be one are so restricted and narrow that it's easier to just drop out of society and cling to the same 2-3 people you've known since kindergarten, instead of socialising and interacting with new people.
We men are so insanely varied, naturally curious and seeking. It's almost comical how hard so many men cling to strict patriarchal ideas when most men don't really benefit from it or even live up to the patriarchal ideas.
I don't know where I'm going with this. I'm drunk and exhausted from nonstop working. I'll hit the pipe and go watch a movie or something.
I highly, HIGHLY, doubt Bernie would be able to do anything. The levers of power in the western world are 100% in the hands of capital, with no real leftist movement to pose a threat to the ruling powers to influence anything.
Even back then, it was obvious for anyone who had read some basic Lenin.
Bernie's function was to coalesce all the strands of semi-leftist movements and strangle them in the crib.
I use it, and I like it. As a casual computer user, it suits every need.
It also feels a lot more stable thanks to being maintained by a professional corporation, rather than some neckbeard in a basement.
As much as I love the chapos, I never understood why they believed Bernie would ever move the needle. It's like they've never read basic theory.
Even if, miraculously, bernie would get elected, he'd be a lame duck at best, and only continue the trajectory of American empire, or get immediately assassinated as soon as he started fucking with the rich people's money.
Fucking who?
People with shrimps for hands are probably sweating right now.
My top songs are:
Random Chinese song that showed up in my algorithm
Vtuber song
The fucking Halo theme
Mongolian throat singing
Song from the anime Zombieland Saga
My friends forbid me from using the AUX.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
It's an extremely convoluted murder mystery that just happens to take place during Christmas.
Despite the insanely incomprehensible writing, it has some of the best dialogue ever written, and Robert Downey JR nails his role as a small time criminal who accidentally gets a movie role as a detective, but gets dragged into a real life murder case.
Oh my God, I thought this was the recent chapo episode with Adam friedland.
Lmao, people sending me their wishlists as if I'm not going to just buy cheap whiskey for everyone. Oh, your 28 year old ass wants fucking Yu Gee Oh cards? Shut up and chug this bottom shelf Famous Grouse you motherfucker. I know you've bought me socks and deodorants like usual.
Alexis Texas being the mother of Virgil Texas is the greatest bit I've heard from Adam.
Just the reaction from the chapos was absolutely gold.
Yyyup, that's the smile of a woman who wears bats as necklaces.
Mama Mia, they shrunka my spaghet
I've got fucking Tux Racing, and every time I boot it up my screen starts flickering and my cd-tray starts opening and closing so fast, the friction starts making smoke and triggering a full scale evacuation.
I fucking love ubuntu
Amphibious mouse? Pendejo Time is going to have a field day with this one