
  • GarfieldYaoi [he/him]
    1 year ago

    American Christianity is basically Christians doing everything they accuse us Jews of doing....but it takes on a classy reskin because it's Christians doing it. Look at the Koch brothers, the Waltons, and every bloated pig-in-a-suit that calls itself an oil CEO and most of AmeriKKKa's citizens.

    • Wheaties [she/her]
      1 year ago

      lol, yeah

      perhaps the most glaring inversion of the right-wing trope is the history of America's support of Israel. After World War 2, a buncha old senators, congressmen, and businessmen all pushed for the formation and funding of the Israeli state. There was a "shadowy cabal" (in the loosest sense of the term), but it was White Anglo-Saxton Protestants leveraging the powers of state and capital to manufacture the conditions for New Testament prophecies. Plus, also, they didn't want Jewish refugees moving into their neighborhoods.