
  • JamesConeZone [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Find me a Christian that says the Bible is wrong

    There are plenty of Christians that disagree with the Bible. The historic church has given a lot of room for errors in the Bible, factual or otherwise. Fundamentalists removed that freedom in the 20th century, and that version of Christianity became the vehicle that the Moral Majority road to power due to its virulent racism, opposite to desegregation, and misogyny. More to the point, I don't even know what it looks like to "support" an ancient, multifaceted religion with so many branches, beliefs, and billions of adherents. I like China and the DPRK's stance on Christianity within its borders-- highly regulated by its adherents but overlooked for outside influences by the state.

    But most importantly, I am sorry that you experienced discrimination and/or death threats, comrade. My experience is similar, and it sucks.