I just found out that this book was actually translated into English.
This collection of stories and poetry was inspired by a conversation in 10th century Baghdad between the collector and a friend. Between them they contemplate the declining moral standards of the human race and sigh with nostalgia for 'the good old days', when one could depend upon the loyalty and friendship of one's fellow beings. Having promised such a collection to his friend, Ibn al-Marzuban launches with enthusiasm into his task. Quotations of the famous are followed by anecdotes and stories which in turn give way to an apposite poem all either de-crying man for his evil ways or illustrating the fine qualities displayed by his best friend, the dog, viz, his loyalty, guarding instinct, consistency, intelligence and his capabilities as a hunter. [...] The edition and translation is greatly enhanced by some fine sketches and there are seven plates showing illustrations of dogs from both Arabic and Persian medieval manuscripts.
From goodreads
You can download it from Anna's archive
Beats me. Maybe when someone is not happy with the state of things, they like to think that not only should it be better, but that it was better.