No one wants to toil.
Work is unavoidable. And if I have a chance to work on my projects and my communities I am left feeling alive, valuable, and fulfilled.
What these bosses and corporations want is for me to do their projects and work on their communities for as little as possible while being dehumanized.
That is toil.
And no one wants to fucking toil anymore. That much, I say, is true.
If you adjust the definitions in your mind slightly, and use "work" in place of "toil" and "labor" in place of "work", then do I ever have a theory of value to talk to you about.
Newspapers, owned by rich people, have been regurgitating the same conservative talking points.
It's telling how the old quote includes "for wages"
Our society has been dragged so far right that we harldy discuss abolition of the wage system these days.
It's not an issue about working. Its an issue about working for wages (as opposed to workers owning the means of production and distributing the profits democratically and equally)
Nobody on this Com wants to work anymore, they just keep posting the same stuff. This is image is recycled fodder that keeps showing up in my feed. Work on your posts at least people!
Nobody wants to post anymore. We used to have big posters. Huge posters—the biggest posters, many people are saying it!