• ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]M
      10 months ago

      are you mad that you were wrong abt China? and that the only sources you had to back you up were Wikipedia and the fascist propagandist Adrian Zenz?

    • Egon [they/them]
      10 months ago

      Last time I checked you had ignored severe users posting clear and concise arguments as well as well-sourced claims, instead choosing to be condescending. When you engaged with those users you ignored their sources and arguments, instead talking about what you felt like was happening or that your opinion should be respected - despite your opinion being one of propagating long since debunked misinformation.
      Your *opinion isn't inherently one that deserves respect

    • Egon [they/them]
      10 months ago

      Your good faith? Last time I saw you engage you ignored every source posted and either didn't engage or went on about what you felt like or how there's a possibility despite there clearly never having been one.
      You aren't acting in good faith.
      If you wanna talk about possibilities a genocide might be occuring you'd have a lot more material to work with if you used the US or France or Ukraine. You didn't though because you don't actually give a shit about genocide, you're just propagandised to hate China.