Everyone else "Yay they gave us exactly what we wanted, and a nice normal name too!"
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they didn't do an Xbox and call it something confusing, but I was hoping this console could have it's own identity.
I'm happy for a more powerful Switch, it sounds neat. Still, I kinda was hoping for something more... Nintendo weird.
Okay maybe I'm just mad because I was hoping after the Nintendo Switch that we'd be getting a Nintendo Dom and a Nintendo Sub
Am I the only one who thinks the Super Switch would’ve been a fun name and a nice callback to Nintendo’s past? Like, I don’t understand why they didn’t do that with the Wii U either (Wii and Super Wii sounds so cute).
Super Switch sounds a lot more on brand for Nintendo, Switch 2 makes it sound like they're trying to make this look like a new PlayStation. They should have hired you to do their marketing