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    1 year ago

    on the topic of queer rights Putin in an interview where he was pressed on Russia's putatively "repressive" anti-gay laws, pointed out how the U.S. still has 4 states which have anti-sodomy laws technically making homosexuality illegal, while Russia has no such laws, which means Russia is technically more accepting of homosexuality than the U.S. Of course a supreme court decision has allegedly made those U.S. laws 'unenforceable' but they still remain on the books in those states.

    Further, Russia has under 100 anti-gay hate crimes per year while the U.S. has something like 4000-5000, as per official statistics.

    But again russia is the only homophobic country, unlike here in the west where we actively gaslight our gay communities into thinking they're safe, or the white supremacist queers would larp up our misinfo to target those dirty 'other' countries.