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        • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
          1 year ago

          It absolutely is. For instance, most Ukrainian trans women aren't allowed to leave the country because the state does not recognize them as women and has decreed that all men between 18 and 65 must stay and fight.

          And if I remember correctly they only legalized gay marriage a few months ago, which was obviously just a propaganda move to make the country look better to western libs.

            1 year ago


            Looks like they were forced to consider it by the ECHR and it hasn’t actually happened.

            This does seem like a fairly convenient time for the ECHR to start pushing Ukraine to legalize same-sex marriage or show any support for LGBTQ+ folks, its actually fairly strategic as it shows they’d be going against Putin in more ways than one; the man just can’t stop himself from going on homophobic tirades:



            There’s more articles out there about Ukraine and same-sex marriage/unions if you wanna look it up but so far it’s just lip service.

            1 year ago

            When such crimes are reported to police, homophobic or transphobic motives are largely ignored, instead being classified as acts of “hooliganism”, Nash Mir Center said.

            “I can excuse homophobia and transphobia, but I draw the line at hooliganism.”

          1 year ago

          Reminds me of this Jewish comedian woman I saw on Facebook once who told her son that he shouldn't get numbers tattooed on him.

      • Tachanka [comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        Banderites have always hated LGBT and Ukraine has historically supported gay marriage even less than Russia. I am beginning to suspect from your other posts that you are one of those anti-LGBT reactionaries trying to paint LGBT people as imperialist, and the United States arming nazis in Ukraine as some kind of pro-LGBT agenda, when in fact that is simply some rhetorical window dressing America likes to use to justify their reactionary policy of arming anti-communists.


      1 year ago

      "Because ebil homophobic putler would immediately nuke the parade because he is evil and homophobic like this!!!11" - media, probably

        1 year ago

        I completely understand the sentiment of your comment, and imagining Putin drone striking a pride parade like in a cartoon is slightly funny to think about, but I do want to be the buzzkill and say Russia is an incredibly homophobic country. Ukraine is arguably worse, and this doesn't whatsoever justify Ukraine attacking Russia, but it is still a disgusting pathological hatred for LGBT people baked into much of the leadership and populace of Russia. It's so sad.

          1 year ago

          I know, Genosse, I live here. I was largely highlighting the notion, which has permeated the media, that Russian government (and Putin specifically) specifically hates gay people and with such extreme passion as to go out of its way to harm them, despite other, more pressing concerns. Like, you know, actual militants.

          1 year ago

          Putin just can’t shut up about LGBTQ+ people and it’s genuinely distressing. He’s weirdly, borderline obsessed and it’s incredibly confusing, like, why does he care so much?

            1 year ago

            why does he care so much?

            Most likely because he, as basically the only big capitalist country leader, have a communist party breathing on his neck. Plus a war on his head. Therefore he need to try double hard to find safety valves and as every conservative postsocialist leader this means going with christofascists since they make strong mainstay for conservative party everywhere here.

            So he's not much different than Orban or Kaczyński but need to double down on this.

      1 year ago

      on the topic of queer rights Putin in an interview where he was pressed on Russia's putatively "repressive" anti-gay laws, pointed out how the U.S. still has 4 states which have anti-sodomy laws technically making homosexuality illegal, while Russia has no such laws, which means Russia is technically more accepting of homosexuality than the U.S. Of course a supreme court decision has allegedly made those U.S. laws 'unenforceable' but they still remain on the books in those states.

      Further, Russia has under 100 anti-gay hate crimes per year while the U.S. has something like 4000-5000, as per official statistics.

      But again russia is the only homophobic country, unlike here in the west where we actively gaslight our gay communities into thinking they're safe, or the white supremacist queers would larp up our misinfo to target those dirty 'other' countries.

  • Infamousblt [any]
    1 year ago

    Meanwhile in the US queers try to get armed and they get massively intimidated for it. Rights for thee but not for mee I guess

    1 year ago

    Omg why aren’t you in favor of the gays (slayyyyy queeeen) unaliaving the evil RuZZian orc Putler? 😜😜 This whole thing reminds me of Kanye West and Taylor Swift and that’s why I want the gays and trans to be defending liberalism!! If you don’t agree:🤓
