First off, sorry if this isn't quite the right community, I did try posting on ! but didn't get a solution. You can see that post here

I have my computer set up to dual boot pop!_os and windows on separate drives. I have my UEFI set up to boot into pop OS and I use systemd-boot to load windows, however after booting to windows and restarting my UEFI boot preferences are changed so Windows boots first instead of pop os.

I have fast boot and secure boot turned off in the bios and fast boot turned off in windows. How can I prevent this?

    10 months ago

    Hi I am not a linux pro, but for me a quick fix what worked was to disable Windows boot. basically everytime windows boot it puts itself as priority, but cannot any more this way. I would then use the grub menu at boot to select what os i needed. I use mint but since both are based on ubuntu should work in the same way. found this online, more or less what i did:

    10 months ago

    I had a similar issue, and no changes made in Linux would stick. Bootice is a Windows program that allows you to make changes in UEFI boot order and was the only solution that worked for me. Good luck!

    10 months ago

    My solution to this was to just set the boot order how I wanted it and then lock it from BIOS