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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Surrealism doesn’t mean what you think it means.

    Uhhh, it's a quote from HHGttG

    Also I still maintain that you didn’t understand my original joke, otherwise you would have called my explanation “unnecessary”, not “poor”.

    OK, if you say so

    Now, I didn’t read your comment as a joke, and I still don’t. I read it as a pun only, and I’m still very confused by its execution.

    Do you get confused a lot? I'm obviously impressed by your profound knowledge of geometry, but you may not have reached the part where you can use π to calculate the area of a circle: πr2, which is pronounced like pie are squared. Only pie are not squared, pie are round. Did ya get it now, honey? (Side note: It's not pronounced pie are two. Maybe that's why you still don't get it)

    I think you should just give up and go to sleep now. That's what I'm going to do

  • Let me break it down for you:

    1. You posted a humorous meme that was easily understood
    2. I made a comment with a different joke along the same lines (Get it? Lines? Geometry?)
    3. You then explained (poorly) your original joke, thinking that I hadn't been able to grasp the surrealism of the underlying metaphor
    4. I made fun of your obtuse (See? More geometry there) "explanation"
    5. You still thought I hadn't understood and gave me a woosh
    6. Right back atcha
    7. Now you have gone back to explaining your joke again
    8. Why are you so angry? Lighten up