Like the mobile app is really slow. I can click on a post over and over and it won't show the comments. Also most images don't seem to show. It seems like they have serious issues in the back end.

I guess, good riddance.

    10 months ago

    Their app has always been utterly garbage, it’s why I went over to Apollo in the first place.

    The content has been dry ever since people switches to other platforms. I think the only subreddits being decent are the niche and the very specific ones.

    • ButtBidet [he/him]
      10 months ago

      As someone who never used outside apps (maybe I should have), the mobile app was OK a year ago but it's barely usable now. I'm unsure if their code base is falling apart or they're not paying their server cost. But feck it's bad.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Pretty much every community that participated in that protest blackout is now dead.

    All that's left is cryptofascists and bazinga consumers.

  • sammer510 [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    The official reddit mobile app has always been garbage. I only still used it because the third party app I was using was great, great UI, easy to see the content I wanted and not see anything else. Now that the official app is the only option I barely even bother anymore except for going on to check on specific communities once in a while. Casual browsing on the reddit app is just not a good time

    10 months ago

    The thing I don't miss from Reddit is the constant nagging.

    Visit a subreddit about skydiving for 5 seconds? Suddenly you get skydiving-related suggestions of communities ALL OF THE TIME. Forever.

    No, I don't want to get notifications so I never miss news from this community /Dismiss popup

    New notification? Let's see who posted something! Oh... It's just a Reddit feature ad. Yes I got it. /Dismiss fake notification.

    And on, and on, and on. You can't spend a quiet 5 minutes reading things that interest you without your flow getting disrupted by pointless attention-grabbers.

    That's something you don't get on Lemmy: it's opt-in, not opt-out: unless I look for something, it won't suggest anything to me or push anything on me that I have to dismiss.

    10 months ago

    It's not even bad, it's utter madness.

    Have a look at this thread:

    Paying more because you upvote content? What the heck