i3 is a dynamic tiling window manager with clean, readable and documented code, featuring extended Xinerama support, usage of libxcb instead of xlib and several improvements over wmii
herbstluft is dope. I used it for quite a while and honestly still miss it sometimes. Is it still kind of a pain to use floating windows or has that gotten any easier?
I've heard of that one. Will check it out if I'm dissatisfied with i3 later for sure. I'm not inclined to use xmonad or DWM tbh, but I've used awesome, openbox, and qtile before and they're all fine.
i3 is a great wm for getting started with tiling. Recently I switched to herbstluftwm on my laptop and I prefer its tiling over i3.
herbstluft is dope. I used it for quite a while and honestly still miss it sometimes. Is it still kind of a pain to use floating windows or has that gotten any easier?
I've heard of that one. Will check it out if I'm dissatisfied with i3 later for sure. I'm not inclined to use xmonad or DWM tbh, but I've used awesome, openbox, and qtile before and they're all fine.