• Ronin_5@lemmygrad.ml
          10 months ago

          When the relationships between domestic bourgeoisie and the people are handled well, they may not be antagonistic in nature and may be resolved through peaceful means. This is not true for imperialistic bourgeoisie.

          Literally mao.

      • moffintosh@lemmygrad.ml
        10 months ago

        Emacting ML

        One doesn't practice socialism by calling their bourgies "the people's billionares" or by making the goverment do stuff. China has a private market, wage labour is dominant and their monopolies actively export capital.

        They're a social democracy larping as communists

        • ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml
          10 months ago

          You should try reading marx and understanding what 'socialist devolopment' is before running your mouth and saying a bunch of shit you have 0 clue about.


        • bagend
          10 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • JucheBot1988@lemmygrad.ml
            10 months ago

            As far as I can tell, the source is dumb anarchists vs. Caleb Maupin c. 2021. I never heard it prior to that.

            Specifically, it seems to originate in a video he made called "Socialist Billionaires? YES! (Let me explain...)" It was a fairly run-of-the-mill explanation, with a click-baity title, of why China has a market sector. Of course, rather than engage in any one of the many legitimate criticisms you could make of Caleb Maupin, the terminally online anarchist crowed focused on the title alone, and were spamming "the people's billionaires" all over the place for months afterward. It's the same mindset that finds "borger king" funny, and it probably won the guy more followers than he lost.

            The phrase has been living on "left" social media ever since.