I mean, not that I want to see a lot of conflict or violence or anything like that (not that I'm not expecting a whole bunch of new right-wing stochastic terror all over the place), but I am just really curious about what's gonna happen after the election.

Everyone here knows all those "if they replace RBG we riot" posts are a bunch of performative liberal bullshit, but what happens if..... well you know (electoralism) with the election. Will the Biden phonebankers actually drive out to D.C. to protest? If the supreme court hands it to Trump even if Biden wins (fuck both of them) the popular vote by millions, will the Biden phonebankers storm the Whithouse lawn and get cut down by secret service machine gun fire??? It so weird!!! It's a total toss up, not just in terms of the winner for various fucking reasons, but what happens after, and the effects that reverberate for far longer after that.

...Especially considering the fact that the major players decided marginalized people, actual leftists, millennials, zoomers, etc., have no stake whatsoever in whatever happens now, months ago -- since it's totally out of our hands -- it's almost kind of "exciting" to see what happens (maybe that's the wrong word, "salacious" feels more accurate). It's kind of hard to explain.

I mean, this shit definitely DOES NOT stop with the election. People are hurting. They have been for decades. Millions more now unemployed and evicted. And either, way help is probably not coming from Washington. Maybe nothing happens or changes at all. ...You could even consider THAT to be an interesting outcome. Literally anything could happen, and it feels like we will see in like 3 days.

Anyway just thinking out loud while pretty drunk for like the 10th time in 12 days. Hopefully this take isn't too hot or whatever if you actually read through all this you're a madperson lol

  • PaulWall [he/him]
    4 years ago

    nazi germany was not stable, that consolidation of power you’re talking about had multiple intra-state actors fighting against each other constantly for power under hitler. it was like a revolving door of power, definitely not stable. if anything it’s only stable in so far as how unstable it can get before collapse.

    • Freecell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I'm talking more about its resistance to popular revolution/reform, it could have been taken over by someone else but the state would have still been fascist. Fascism consolidates capital, social, political, religious power etc to further itself.