I mean, not that I want to see a lot of conflict or violence or anything like that (not that I'm not expecting a whole bunch of new right-wing stochastic terror all over the place), but I am just really curious about what's gonna happen after the election.

Everyone here knows all those "if they replace RBG we riot" posts are a bunch of performative liberal bullshit, but what happens if..... well you know (electoralism) with the election. Will the Biden phonebankers actually drive out to D.C. to protest? If the supreme court hands it to Trump even if Biden wins (fuck both of them) the popular vote by millions, will the Biden phonebankers storm the Whithouse lawn and get cut down by secret service machine gun fire??? It so weird!!! It's a total toss up, not just in terms of the winner for various fucking reasons, but what happens after, and the effects that reverberate for far longer after that.

...Especially considering the fact that the major players decided marginalized people, actual leftists, millennials, zoomers, etc., have no stake whatsoever in whatever happens now, months ago -- since it's totally out of our hands -- it's almost kind of "exciting" to see what happens (maybe that's the wrong word, "salacious" feels more accurate). It's kind of hard to explain.

I mean, this shit definitely DOES NOT stop with the election. People are hurting. They have been for decades. Millions more now unemployed and evicted. And either, way help is probably not coming from Washington. Maybe nothing happens or changes at all. ...You could even consider THAT to be an interesting outcome. Literally anything could happen, and it feels like we will see in like 3 days.

Anyway just thinking out loud while pretty drunk for like the 10th time in 12 days. Hopefully this take isn't too hot or whatever if you actually read through all this you're a madperson lol

  • Blottergrass [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Here's your happening, bro:

    no results called but obvious Biden win



    every boomer, gen x, and manager at work: I agree with the protests but rioting is too far (one image of a stolen TV at target meanwhile chud militias have killed about 5 ppl by now)

    court bullshit

    Biden victory

    massive fucking patriot 2.0 bill disguised as police reform

    • emizeko [they/them]
      4 years ago

      how is court bullshit going to be followed by Biden victory with this judiciary

  • CommieGirl69 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    i think half of americans genuinely don't give a fuck so i doubt anything major will happen regardless of who wins

  • crime [she/her, any]
    4 years ago

    Weirdly the most stable scenario I can imagine (ie generates the least violence and unrest) is a landslide Trump victory. Not sure it's going to happen given the early voting numbers, and it's not like I'm rooting for it, but all libs will do is wring their hands and wear pink hats once.

    Any other scenario and trump is going to straight up call for violence and as always his base will answer

    • Freecell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      We know from history that fascism as the status quo is fairly stable because of the consolidation of power and political will, i.e. once entrenched it requires a disproportionately large public reaction to destroy it. I don't think fascism's inherent stability is a great argument for its continued existence.

      • PaulWall [he/him]
        4 years ago

        nazi germany was not stable, that consolidation of power you’re talking about had multiple intra-state actors fighting against each other constantly for power under hitler. it was like a revolving door of power, definitely not stable. if anything it’s only stable in so far as how unstable it can get before collapse.

        • Freecell [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I'm talking more about its resistance to popular revolution/reform, it could have been taken over by someone else but the state would have still been fascist. Fascism consolidates capital, social, political, religious power etc to further itself.

        • Freecell [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I have said it before, if you have a brain and eyes and ears you should know where overt fascism lives in this country, and if you consider yourself anti-fascist the pragmatic decision is clear. Arguing that both sides are the same is inherently reactionary. I know where I stand on literal fucking self-described Nazis, do you?

            • Freecell [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Thank you for the effort post. I'm not voting for Biden, but I don't judge anyone who wants to. I think if you both-sides when you have literal self-defined white supremacy / neo-naziism on the ballot, you have been fooled into a reactionary mindset. Fascism, to me, is the combination of imperialism and overt unabashed white-supremacy or any other kind of "othering" philosophy at its core. So your argument to me is that they are both imperialists. Okay, but one side is literally fucking Nazis. If you're anti-fascist you should at least in theory support the side that DOES NOT HAVE NAZIS.

                • Freecell [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  Thanks for your respectful disagreement and your good wishes. This will be my last post as I don't want to belabor the point but I just want to say when I say Nazis I'm not talking about mainline Republicans, I'm talking about literal neo-nazis and the tendency for Trump supporters to radicalize in that direction. As a matter of principle I refuse to underestimate the impact of political victories for Nazis and those they support. Hitler was elected and all that jazz you know? Even though the US may share some elements of fascism it can get so so much worse - and IMO it would worsen life in most of the world if it came to pass.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Supreme Court is going to throw out all early and mail-in ballots, based on an originalist interpretation of "election day" or some BS. The libs will cry about it, there will be another women's march, trumpers are going to be insufferable, and lefties will continue to primarily engage with politics by posting.

    • Freecell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The context to this is thatcearly voting figures alone from this year are higher than 2016 turnout. And primarily early voters skew Biden. In person is like 75% Trump. If the court made that decision unilaterally, the SC building would be burning by the end of the week, because Trump would have won - every - state and millions would be disenfranchised. That would be a civil war.

        • Freecell [he/him]
          4 years ago

          It's like literally so far beyond the pale that it doesn't matter how complacent people are. America would balkanize in a matter of hours if it was rigged that heavily.

          • Janked [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I literally do not know if anything could happen in the US to cause actual mass unrest. I don't think any sort of meaningful mass action will happen until material conditions greatly worsen for more people due to climate collapse/continued neolib policies.

      • read_freire [they/them]
        4 years ago

        All the folks inclined to be militant that reacted strongly to 2016 have moved left, and while there's daily VOTE struggle sessions where libs and leftists congregate together, there's no revolutionary energy backing Biden.

        The only folks left who would be absolutely up in arms about that scenario (unlike the rest of us who see it coming a mile away) are the 'ABC confirmed we riot' crowd, and you saw how that played out.

        Some sort of violence almost certainly happens if Biden wins (though I'm betting even that's isolated--the media's inflated the number of extreme right folks for a while), but I can't see it in any scenario where Trump does.

  • OgdenTO [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Everything is going to be boring and business as usual, regardless who wins.

    Nobody's going to protest, nobody's going to drive and try to stop what's happening, because to most democrats and republicans it really doesn't matter that much. And, many people who need a change in government aren't served by either Biden or Trump, and are already out on the streets protesting.

    • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
      4 years ago

      While I'm not well educated in this regard, I honestly think that a Trump victory will lead to the most immediately peaceful outcome. If Biden wins I can easily foresee Trump's voter base go out and start lynching people at random but if Trump wins? Conservatives are happy, Libs will continue doing literally nothing as they always have, and most leftists don't really care who won anyway. There's not really a political group with any meaningful size that would do anything immediate and brash if Trump won

      Of course, this is all assuming Donald Trump wins the electoral college with little obvious voter fraud or suppression, more than usual, anyway. Knowing Trump, and the year 2020, I REALLY can't tell you what's going to happen in the next week. Maybe some angry Trump supporters gun down a few white middle class libs in public and the libs are very briefly radicalized into taking some large street marches or something which causes further social unrest? I honestly don't know

  • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I think a Biden victory is more likely to lead to violence. I think there's good odds the Supreme Court just gives it to Trump, and there's zero chance the libs do anything. The Supreme Court could give Trump the presidency and all Dems will say is "This wouldn't have happened if progressives had simply voted" even though Joe will magnitudes more votes already.

    • HighestDifficulty [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I'm with you on this. The best thing to do is sit it out and let liberals and conservatives fight each other. The left would just become a scapegoat for establishment liberals to claim their superiority in the aftermath.

    • Classic_Agency [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      but it will be the disillusioned (read: apolitical, for now) and leftists who will destroy shit if Trump wins.

      Expect Joe and the libs to condemn it too, like Biden condemned the Philly riots. This will only futher the divide between the libs and the leftists.

    • Lil_Revolitionary [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      Im thinking there will be a women's march type thing, but I wonder if police will accept a normal protest like that, their trigger fingers are getting pretty itchy lately

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I get the argument that libs will roll over if Trump blatantly steals an election but idk... the hate they feel towards Trump is pretty damn real. We correctly point out that they only see Trump as the problem and not the underlying causes... but what they feel towards Trump is still genuine. So I actually think libs and frankly a lot of normal people could go beyond protesting if there's an obvious theft of the election by Trump + courts + state legislatures. What that looks like is pretty unclear to me. I don't think the military will do anything. My best guess is that in California and California alone there will be a push to secede, ultimately leading to it being a ballot measure in November 2021. A poll around when Trump was inaugurated had support for secession at 32%. Can't imagine that number has done anything other than go up since then. And a major election theft i.e. coup could push that over 50%. And I can see libs all over America supporting it as a sort of catharsis. Whether or not it would be successful, no idea. That's too much to speculate on. But I could see it become a very real issue.

    • Des [she/her, they/them]
      4 years ago

      there's also always the chance a sedate 100k + march in D.C. (assuming a blatent election steal that riles up tons of libs) ends up in a Kent State situation with either right wing terrorists lighting the spark or armed cops terrified of being overwhelmed by a stampede (ok yes also right wing terrorists i know). Shooting starts, regular lib types (maybe led by famous people or Obama or something) get mowed down and the spark ignites. But you are right because the hatred of Trump is much more real and viseral now that he's actually done shit vs just being an uncouth asshole saying the quiet things out loud. Thousands of deaths are directly the result of his insanity vs just being a dick running against a very hated woman.