• Beaver [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Why is it that TERF shit comes to completely dominate their thinking all the time? Other kinds of bigots at least seem to have hobbies.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      11 months ago

      Other kinds of bigots at least seem to have hobbies.

      The racists here in the UK city I'm currently in can not stop going on about how they have to see brown people when they go to the town centre whereas 10 years ago they didn't have to. They seethe about it endlessly, every single time they see someone not-white it boils their blood. It consumes every waking moment of their public life.

    • rubpoll [she/her]
      11 months ago

      They might realize how little sense it makes if they ever stop raging about it, so they have to keep upping their own rage for the rest of their lives.

      JK Rowling is going to be posting just as unhinged shit as Jordan Peterson by the end of 2024, just wait.