• Ho_Chi_Chungus [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Reposting here in case it gets deleted

    I'm at a college in Alabama currently, and enrolled in a Law Enforcement class. The program also has a Firefighter and EMT program as well. Law enforcement consists of around 20 people, we usually meet a couple times of week. It's decently well funded. We have a couple body rigs (aka vest and belt) a driving simulator which is at least 10K, and a simulation screen with rifles, pistols, and some shotguns. We even have our own building on campus, which we share with the Firefighters. The course is mainly for those going to the police academy.

    I'm writing this because I'm not a cop, no one in my family has ever been a cop, but I feel like this is a perspective that needs to be told. Anyway, we currently have a LEO instructor who comes over and teaches us. He's old, he became a cop in 1985, and is retiring soon. He has multiple medals, and was generally considered the best one to train up college kids for the police.

    Anyway, he's told us some stuff. Like how he refuses to carry Narcan, because he thinks all drug addicts got it coming. He's described people dying of fentanyl as "ferret looking" with their hands up. In one horrific story, he found a guy dying of a drug overdose in the street. He kicked the guy in the ribs, and left him to die. Another cop came by and tried to use Narcan on him, and thankfully succeeded. Another is where he locked a guy in a room, wrote down a rape confession, and got the guy to sign it. He thought it was funny because the guy couldn't read. Needless to say, he even complained about cameras.

    All in all, just a mean ass of a man, even outside of the stories he tells. I also find it telling that even this guy thinks that corrections officers (aka prison guards) are cruel and assholes. The other part of it is the training.

    In short, you stand in front of a giant screen, which plays out a scenario, pre-recorded. It can be everything from a traffic stop to a domestic dispute. You have on your vest, belt and gun. The gun is physical, the pepper spray and taser you have to call out to use. All well and good. Only problem is that there's zero interaction. The people never respond to you trying to de-escalate the situation, it's mostly a matter of waiting to see a weapon so you can blow them away.

    I have done dozens of these so far, only 2 times has there not been a weapon. AND, it's rigged. "How?" you ask? Frames. Every video you see is made of still images going through each other fast. Like a super speed PowerPoint. Well, bad guys in the simulation pull and fire with 0.5 seconds or less. It means you will NEVER win unless you either have done it before, or pull and shoot when a sudden movement is made.

    I only got a clean kill once. Pulled over a guy, pulled gun from dashboard, and I got him. The only issue is that I shot him when he made a sudden movement for the dashboard. The simulation was making me so twitchy that the only way I could pass blind was to fire at the slightest hint of him going for a gun.

    And lastly, the people trying to become cops. Many of the guys there are aggressive, trigger happy, and frankly I wouldn't trust them with a real gun, much less becoming a cop. They also have...questionable views. Like, when I said people weren't robots, one of the head guys said that if he can be perfect, there's no reason others can't. And that's not even talking about the "judged by 12, not carried by 6" stuff. The other one wants to become a Fed, and he seems decent. The people who should be cops aren't trying to be cops.

    I think I'm gonna drop it. Even seeing the inside just a little makes me sick.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        1 year ago

        It is funny this is in the collapse sub, though. Cops have been pretty open and straightforward about how they think and what they do for decades and decades.

  • heartheartbreak [fae/faer]
    1 year ago

    I worked as an EMT for a bit and quit because even working NEXT TO cops made my fucking blood boil. You can't even comprehend the level of evil that these shit bags get up to, and the level of violence that they are able to perpetrate. They literally don't see other people as humans.

    • heartheartbreak [fae/faer]
      1 year ago

      Like the "thin blue line" is not some excuse for us to excuse the existence of the police. It's an excuse for them to have to justify their own existence.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        The concept has its roots in fantasies of being the final line of defense against The Zombies us-foreign-policy and that ideology requires dehumanization to justify slaughter.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      1 year ago

      I guarantee you that guy was wearing oakleys and sweating from steroid abuse. Take a bunch of violent monsters, inculcate them with a culture of fear, paranoia, and brutality, hop them up on anabolic steroids, cocaine, and fentanyl, then set them loose on the public.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      1 year ago

      That's more or less unironically how they think. They run around telling each other everyone wants to kill them and is going to gun them down any second.

      One of the leading causes of cop death is getting in to traffic accidents without seatbelts on. They won't wear their seatbelts because they think they'll need to react instantly when they're ambushed by the bad guys, which is everyone who isn't a cop. They think they'll get tangled up in their seatbelts and not be able to escape the vehicle and shoot the bad guys. Instead they get thrown from their vehicles and die. I don't think the "died in an ambush because they were tangled in their seatbelt" thing has ever happened.

      They're basically going around hotboxing their own farts as they fantasize about how dangerous their jobs are and how evil everyone around them is, while all their cop buddies reinforce those beliefs and between stealing shit and ODing on fent they go to "Warrior Cop" indoctrination/training courses where they're told they need to be ready to kill all the time, every day, instantly.

      Their job has been getting less dangerous for decades while they've become more and more paranoid as a culture, detached from reality, militarized, and more concretely viewing themselves as an occupying force keeping the barely human animalistic public in line.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        1 year ago

        You know when you think about it a bunch of assholes who are constantly scaring each other in to thinking the world is going to kill them at any second while they juice up on steroids and raid the evidence locker for whatever they can get their little trotters on and give themselves layers and layers of PTSD from brutalizing the public, of course they're going to be using fent to take the edge off, those guys must be within an inch of a stroke every moment they're awake.

    • JuneFall [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Cause you got a degree in truth my friend

      0.000% of Communism has been built. Evil child-murdering billionaires still rule the world with a shit-eating grin. All he has managed to do is make himself sad. He is starting to suspect Kras Mazov fucked him over personally with his socio-economic theory. It has, however, made him into a very, very smart boy with something like a university degree in Truth. Instead of building Communism, he now builds a precise model of this grotesque, duplicitous world.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        1 year ago

        I need to start sending that quote to people who want to get anthropology degrees.

        "Would you like to comprehend all the man made horrors while being powerless to stop them, while also accruing thousands of dollars in debt?"

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          All that debt, all that effort, and some failson runs laps around you because they (and their dad's boat dealership money) went into business management instead. mega-rich-light-bending-guy

  • blight [any]
    1 year ago

    lol at the guy in the comments saying OP should record them and give it to the FBI. surely they will uphold justice!