There was some antichina guy on here that always brought up this quote like last year lol
There was some antichina guy on here that always brought up this quote like last year lol
This is pretty much most of what we do pre revolution tbh
Every bourgeois revolution typically looks for allies in the sectors of the working classes they can convince and theres typically a struggle over leadership of the revolution
does anybody have any good books on the american revolution and how the class forces evolved?
Thats not what althusser advocated for at all wtf
Eagles fucking suck actually look up their real cry
The LION of MARYLAND!!! shooter of the year is a SOPHIE-head???????
world iconic repressed tgirl adventurists stay fucking winning this year holy shit
I hope we all get to remember "Japan Real Hole" collectively even after this is all over
Mfw "Japan Real Hole"
Oh yea if luigis mansion 3 was so good wheres luigis mansion 4??
Just completely combs past the untermensch part of the unabomber manifesto lmao
Could be both. Trauma causes the integration of the brain to be more difficult due to dissociation which means attention/conscientiousness is much more difficult.
"Win" is relative to a 1 year ground war in china setting the economy back at least to the 00s.
Good thing we dont think of anything as biblical evils as dialectical materialists. If china put troops in palestine they would have given the US the greenlight for the whole west to begin war with china
Real estate companies are salivating hooting and hollering rn