Source: Piketty's World Inequality Report 2022

I shared this deep in a dunk thread earlier and figured there's probably many comrades who haven't seen this data. I think it's very good rhetorically because a lot of libs have an incredibly vibes-based impression that the Soviet Union was just an Animal Farm old-boss-same-as-the-new-boss situation.

Instead, this demonstrates that Russia underwent one of the most dramatic inversions of income inequality of any country in recorded history.

For comparison here is the US over the same time period:




And the UK:


      • Tachanka [comrade/them]
        10 个月前

        i think this exchange pretty much nails the discourse around this issue



        as a certified deng beetle i am refraining from spamming deng emojis at you soviet-huff

        • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
          10 个月前

          Im mostly just goofing but yeah it's going to be a deeply crucial problem that needs to be solved, and the way it is solved will determine whether good or bad things are possible in the future for this world. Please don't fuck this up, China.

    • stilgar [he/him]
      10 个月前

      Yeah they need some socialist roaders back in power, probably won't happen any time soon though.

      One things for sure, Xi isn't the man for the job.

      • RedDawn [he/him]
        10 个月前

        We’ll see, he’s been doing a lot of rooting out corruption and ending food insecurity and extreme poverty while building up the infrastructure of the country and contending with the endless hostility from America, but he has recognized that inequality is a problem which needs to be addressed over the next several 5 year plans.

        Personally, I’ll defer to the hundred million members of the CPC to determine whether he does a good enough job at it or if somebody else needs to take the reins.