Also I went on /r/DirtyPenPals to see if there was any stress about the election there, but no, those folks just keep on being horny and kinky without a care for our dumb problems, and I envy them.

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    4 years ago


    Gotta get rid of the bernie wing. I hate to say it but racial wokeness doesn't work with Hispanic voters, esp with rioting. Basically gotta go back to 90s politics.

    Keep the super woke shit within LA and NY. Honestly that mindset went crazy after Trump won because we thought we had to go to the absolute opposite of Trump to win. But turns out, most of the country wants boring typical moderate politician.

    we picked that politician, but Trump was able to successfully run against AOC and the Squad.

    • GottaJiBooUrns [they/them]
      4 years ago
      But turns out, most of the country wants boring typical moderate politician.
      we picked that politician, but Trump was able to successfully run against AOC and the Squad.

      Could it be that the candidate put forth was bad?

      No, it is these people who aren't running for President that are bad.