• Red_Scare [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    Finally some good news, thank you CPC and comrade Xi for shining a bit of light through the clouds of current world affairs.

    So when the CPC achieves a "staggering success in combating pollution" while capitalist South Asian states become the "global pollution epicentre", how is it framed?

    The Communist Party of China is not mentioned even once, not even as "the CCP", Xi Jinping is never mentioned, the article only talks about vague "Beijing", "Chinese government", "Chinese leaders".

    Systemic differences between the way China is governed vs India and Pakistan are never brought up, instead "the progress made in China shows that change is possible, if the government and its people are willing and able to put in the work": clearly South Asians just don't want breathable air enough to "put in the work".

    Are systemic solutions ever mentioned? Maybe South Asia needs to stop being the Wests sweatshop so that they can start healing their land? Nope, they just need a handout: "Aid from international organizations and private donors could go a long way."

    They also talk about how "China remains the world’s 13th most polluted country", of course without a mention that this pollution was caused primarily by manufacture for Western markets and in many cases by the Western owned companies, so that the West could in many cases double dip: on the one hand, by exploiting cheap but well educated labour (that education bankrolled by the Communists, mind you) so that they could sell necessities to workers in the West at ridiculously low prices, allowing them to suppress wages in the West without guillotines wooshing; and on the other hand by exporting the profits of the entire production chain back to the West where the company is owned.

    If the pollution in China was getting worse you can bet your ass they would be talking about "the CCP" and Xi Jinping personally, and the solution would be nothing short of the outright regime change.

    • huf [he/him]
      10 months ago

      i saw the reddit-logo thread on this and the monsters in the comments immediately started moaning about more people living longer means more pollution and climate change and the earth cant sustain this many people and i guess they should die instead.

      just ecofascist malthusian rambling.

      so yeah, when china makes people live longer, the western demons immediately bay for more blood.

  • Addfwyn@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    "But at what cost!?". You see, this is actually a bad thing because it means there is more pressure on the younger generation to support the aging population. People dying younger is actually healthy for the economy! Until China can get their elderly under control, they should take a note from the West and raise the retirement age to at least 70.

    Honestly I wouldn't even be surprised to see a take like that on a lemmy world news community.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      Smh liberal cinema industry churning out the ridiculous dystopias to propagandize people living in the boring dystopia that they should be happy because it could always be worse.



        • ReadFanon [any, any]
          10 months ago

          When you're in a room with Henry Kissinger and your plans for war make him say "Whoa there, settle down!" that's a sign that you have lost all semblance of your humanity.

          The thing that gets me is that Nixon was raised as a Quaker. You know, the guys who had an astoundingly high mortality rate in WWI because, being pacifists, they refused to take up arms and a lot of them would opt for ambulance duty instead so they'd be carrying wounded soldiers on stretchers away from the front lines and, of course, they would often end up getting blown up or taking a bullet themselves.

          This is the moral code that Nixon was raised in; it is better to take one of the riskiest jobs in war than it is to pick up a weapon. There's no convincing me that he wasn't an opportunist of the highest order.

    • su25@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      tyrannical see see pee has genocided pollution and forced the healthy lungs agenda on the chinese people :( so sad to see everytime....

    • Better Red Than Dead@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      YesI was really surprised when NY was called the city with the most air pollution, when not that long ago it was very often Beijing. I remember the americans laughing at China for this, now they are worse hahahaha

  • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    The duality of CNN? The last article posted here was so absurd, talking about "authoritarian China" being bad because they were reducing food waste.

    This is...actually positive? I wonder if the journalist who wrote this will lose their job for it?

  • CascadeOfLight [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Smh, how can you support the authoritarian Chinese government using blunt force regulation??!


  • zoe@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    off topic but op what would u think of this video: https://youtu.be/KdC9xube-2c?si=Z6R1bhAC1YJnuz8L

    i know the channel from awhile back, and dude really has some solid points, since he kinda conveys nuanced opinions rather than having a categoric stance. but i saw this video posted around somewhere in lemmy and thought to myself: people in grad won't like this, and now i am sharing it with u to see what would u think about it, since the video tries to tell that not only america is chasing the homeless around..still i would really like to see how one from the opposite side would argue this :) i always believe in a civilized argument :)

    • GaveUp [she/her]
      10 months ago

      Serpentza has abused his Chinese wife in his videos and uploads them, sexualizes Chinese women in multiple of his YouTube thumbnails + titles, racist towards Chinese people, and he "educates" people about China but he literally can't even speak or read Chinese

      He's also South African and complains about the "white genocide" that's happening there

      If you're genuinely trying to learn, learn from people who can actually speak and read Chinese fluently and isn't a white supremacist

      • zoe@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        its been a while since i watched his videos but i always take all what he says with a grain of salt..i guess there s another side to his life maybe..