Yea saline is available on Amazon rn lol
Yea saline is available on Amazon rn lol
I hate armchair therapy talk so much
I think foods have just gotten so processed and unhealthy that meat sticks are unironically one of the healthiest snack options at stores
At least we can read about it on TikTok
I'm going to do that and use the extraction to make lean cause codeine by itself is kinda weak
I think economics is just one of those subjects where many find it boring
The most interesting parts of communist political theory is generally the sociology, politics, philosophy, and the most boring parts are generally the economics imo
You'll probably just be seen as a nerd is what I'm guessing because that's just the same as really being into normal politics there
Also what I hear from Chinese friends. People think Marxism is one of the most boring subjects in class
She's gonna get banned so quickly for breaking some Chinese rule like "no extravagant displays of wealth on social media"
I don't even consider it eating ass if that doesn't happen, otherwise, it's just rimming
Disagree on confounding, have you tried it before?
I do think it's funny that it seemingly got memed into popularity though
Please answer the question or contribute to the conversation instead of gawking at my post like it's a zoo animal and having a laugh at my thoughts
Ah yes, I meant he'll probably be blaming the liberals for way more than 4 years because I don't see any political will from Canadians to vote anybody differently anytime soon
so it's gonna be Pierre Pollivere blaming the liberals for the next 4 years.
No term limits, Trudeau was in office for over a decade. It may take a while for his throne to be taken
He's Muslim, he'll never win a UK election
That's the issue with Canadians, they get a few mines in Africa + South America and it gets to their head and believe Hudson Bay was like the East India company at its prime
petit bourgeois isn't when you have disposable income
Discord kitten deprivation is a serious crippling loneliness don't even joke about that
That's so crazy, I can't believe why anybody would have negative views of health insurance companies
I love Anthem, Kaiser, and Cigna