I'm gonna use Lemmy, federate with ChapoChat, and maybe have a self-hosted Matrix server. I have a crazy idea of forking Lemmy and making it more like a cross with Twitter, with microblogging features and shit.

And you're probably going to say like, why set up another website?

  • Decentralizing our community, making it harder to shut us down or hack us.
  • Different administrators, different moderation style, different features each site will experiment with, are all good things to have, in my opinion. If someone doesn't like how my site is run they'll come here. And if there's something I decide to try on my end that's successful, it could be adopted here, and vice-versa.
  • Different target audiences. The website I'm hoping to set up is "more edgy." If you remember when I was an admin on the Discord server, that's sorta how it's gonna be.

It's going to be geared more towards being a forum for the lumpenproletariat and "Bongwater Bolsheviks." It's going to be hosted overseas, and have communities for harm reduction, homelessness (/c/dirty_kids oi oi), and a community for sexworkers. Because I firmly believe that the revolution will be led by drug users, homeless kids, and sex workers.

It's gonna be kinda like Cumtown without slurs or harassment of trans women.

  • I also just really want to do something like this for the community.

I want to create something tangible. Every single fucking time I try to do something like this, anything, I fail. And by "like this" I mean something I can point to and say "I did this." I don't know why but I always fail every time I set a goal for something. I'm not good at anything. Being an admin on the Discord server made me so happy. I played up this bitch persona, but really, it made me happy to have a hand in steering the Chapo cocaine speedboat. I fucked that one up, and I want this to be my last chance at being something.

The website is going to be called Cocaine Army (cocaine.army lol), or Ejército Cocaina.

And it's going to have kind of a drug cartel theme.

So that being said, I've never set up a website before, and I'm looking to build a crack team (heh heh) to help me set it up. And people to help moderate.

Anyone interested?

  • sappho [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Something I can point to and say “I did this.” I don’t know why but I always fail every time I set a goal for something. I’m not good at anything.

    Have you considered starting with a smaller project? I don't think you're failing at things because you're "not good at anything" - I think you're very ambitious and have outlined a lot of big ideas in this post, but perhaps these goals are harder for you to reach due to disadvantages and difficulties in your personal life. Something more narrowly defined, with a definite endpoint, could give you a sense of confidence in your own abilities and get you on the upward spiral necessary to eventually succeed at a larger project like this one. You don't need to jump right into your magnum opus like it's your "last chance at being something" - you are a great and worthy person just as you are, you don't need to prove yourself to anyone but you.