• railsdev@programming.dev
    10 months ago

    I’d kill for an IDE on macOS that uses the native UI. I guess my hot take when it comes to GUI applications is: respect the platform you’re running on. Your core codebase should be separate from the UI in a way that the application looks like it was written by Apple on macOS, Microsoft on Windows, Google on Android, etc.

    I could go on forever about this but some examples:

    • VS Code, Microsoft Word, Excel, etc all lose their minds and crash when moving a file while it’s open on macOS, a limitation that doesn’t exist in UNIX-based file systems. Did they port some FAT/NTFS driver somehow? You also can’t Command + Click the title of the document to pull it up in Finder.
    • Firefox, while I love it to death looks like a clunky Windows application
    • Oh yeah, Google Chrome looks way off too
    • GIMP looks like GTK because it is GTK on macOS, Windows
    • Electron apps that are just wrappers around websites
    • shapis@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      Entirely agree with this.

      And at least as far as Firefox goes I'm running it on gnome and there's a beautiful theme that makes it look native for it. I'm sure there's one for windows too if you look.

    • hairyballs@programming.dev
      10 months ago

      Firefox is really badly integrated in MacOS. The fn + arrow shortcut doesn't work, for example, it's not integrated in the menu system (the menu shortcuts don't work) etc. But there is Sideberry, so...