Pa is about to go blue too, who'd have thought (idk maybe everyone knew it would, I didn't give a fuck to look into it lol)

  • JayTwo [any]
    4 years ago

    I do see that point, and realize how much progress in capitalist countries was just because of fear of the USSR gaining more world power. But I don't see any of it applying. China is just red capitalist. They're a command economy, and all the socialist talk is just that.

    DPRK is creepy as all fuck.

    They're not going to be the center of any proletarian movements.

    Also, while I'm not really anti USSR, exactly, their "help", historically, seemed more contingent on having a strategic partner than actually supporting the struggle of the international proletariat.

    The Spanish civil war being one example. Of many.

    Sending the tanks into Hungary, hence the term tankie, being another.

    Inb4 "but they were reactionary workers councils!"