• RIPdeadswitch [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The DSA is not a party. They back socialist candidates, the candidates run under whatever party banner they choose

      • spectre [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It's not lib because with their combined resources as as a new party they could do a long list of political actions with state and local electoral campaigns being priority number 4 or 5, and national a national campaign being priority 25. Unfortunately there are a ton of Green and DSA libs who have the "freedom and democracy" attitude because they aren't aware of how badly that mindset holds them back from being effective, so it's difficult to get them to coalesce.

        I am an advocate of making this happen at the DSA at the branch level. Ideally the path is something like this:

        • Start a Marxist caucus at a local (many of them have this already in major cities)
        • Marxists campaign within their local to introduce centralist mechanisms within their branch, these campaigns can be used as an educational opportunity for others. The caucus should be careful about how this is presented. Howie Hawkins actually has a nice little pamphlet that lays a lot of this out.
        • Get the branch as a whole to behave in a demcent manner on smaller activities, start to propose registering as a party at the state level. At this point there might be more tension with national, so you'll need to start working around them on that front, with the backing of the branch membership.
        • Start a campaign for a city council with >100k residents, and work your way to the state level from there. Start to incorporate other left orgs and work out ways to bring them into the fold.
          • spectre [he/him]
            4 years ago

            yeah for sure, give me an hour or so cause i'm gonna flesh it out some more. I also need a better title than "What is to be done? v144"

          • spectre [he/him]
            4 years ago


            edit: I can repost a more succinct version next week if it doesn't get attention. the only issue is that there's a lot of context imo, but people probably won't want to read it.